In this article, you will find the steps to connect your W.W. Norton courseware to Blackboard Learn or Blackboard Ultra views using the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 tool with your campus program.
Configuration steps will differ between Learn and Ultra views in Blackboard. To confirm the view of Blackboard that you'll be using, review the images below and make use of the quick-links to navigate to the appropriate instructions related to Blackboard Learn or Blackboard Ultra configuration:
Blackboard Learn | Blackboard Ultra |
Blackboard Learn:
- Part One: Adding the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 Tool
- Part Two: Pairing the Courseware
- Part Three: Adding Norton Links to Your Course
Part One: Adding the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 Tool
Step 1.
Navigate into your Blackboard Learn course.
Step 2.
Click into an existing Content Area on the left-menu of your Blackboard course (or you may choose to create a brand new Content Area). Content Areas are menu items listed on the left-menu of your course. In the example below, a new content area has been created and has been titled, "Ebook and Courseware":
Step 3.
Click into the Content Area created or selected, click Build Content, and click Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 from the list of tools that appear from the drop-down.
- Note: If you are unable to find the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 link in your Blackboard course, follow the directions below in Step 3a to add the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery tool manually.
If you are able to click on the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 tool in Step 3, skip to Step 4 of this article.
Adding Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 Tool Manually:
Step 3a. (If needed.)
If you do not see the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 tool listed from the drop-down menu mentioned above, you may configure the tool manually. To do this, from the selected content area, hover over Build Content and click Web Link.
Next, provide a Name for the tool in the Name field (you can title this as Follett-Willo Digital Delivery or something similar) and copy/paste the appropriate URL into the URL field:
For USA:
Very Important: Place a check-mark in the "This link is to a Tool Provider" box, as shown below |
If you've (1) entered a Name for the Link, (2) entered the appropriate URL, and (3) have placed a check-mark in the "This link is to a Tool Provider box," you can now click Submit to add the link within your content area of Blackboard.
- Note: Hide this Follett-Willo Digital Delivery link from student view. This is an instructor-facing tool only.
Now click on the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 link that you've manually added into your Content Area, and proceed to Step 4 below.
Part Two: Pairing the Courseware
Step 4.
Click the Continue in a new window button.
Step 5.
The Course Pairing Screen should appear. If you teach more than one course, you may see multiple courses to choose from.
Click the green Select button for the correct course. Then click Review Details.
- Note: If you do not see a course listed, or if the course information is incorrect, please skip to the Product Token section below.
Step 6.
The Review Selected Course Materials screen will appear. Review the course information and ensure it appears correctly. If the course information is correct, select the Confirm Selection button.
NOTE: If the materials listed appear to be incorrect, or if there is a discrepancy with the materials, do not proceed. Contact to report the discrepancy.
Step 7.
The next screen will display that the course was paired successfully. Click the Course Management button and skip ahead to Step 8.
Using a Product Token
NOTE: This step is only necessary if your course materials do not auto-populate in Step 5.
To use your Product Token:
- Click the I have a Product Token button
- Enter the six-digit Product Token code
- Then click Verify.
*If you do not have a Product Token code, email
Look over the product and course details and verify that the details are correct. If everything looks good, proceed by clicking Course Management.
Part Three: Adding Product/Publisher Links to Your Course
Step 8.
On the Course Management page, click Add Product Links.
Step 9.
Select Course Support, Instructor Self-Service, and any Courseware links you would like to add to your course. Then click Next Step.
Step 10.
Select the radio button next to Push Links Directly to My Course and click Submit.
Step 11.
Once the links have been successfully pushed to your course, you will see the following message. You can now Close this window to navigate back to your Blackboard course.
Step 12.
Refresh your web browser. You will find a new content area (menu item) titled: Imported Course Resources on the left menu of your Blackboard course.
- NOTE: If you prefer, you can perform the move function to move each of the links (one-by-one) into the content area your originally created in Step 2.
NOTE: To ensure that the Norton courseware links function properly, please be sure EDIT each link from your Blackboard course to allow the link to Open in a New Window. For graded items like InQuizitive, Smartwork, and Norton Illumine Ebook assignments, please also make sure to Enable Evaluation and define your Points Possible value for each activity.
- NOTE: The Course Support link is available for students and faculty. Faculty should encourage students to use this link to open a ticket with our helpdesk if they have any issues accessing the course materials.
- NOTE: The Instructor Self-Service link should be hidden from students, as it is for instructor use only and directs you to the Course Management page.
- NOTE: The Ebook Administration link is the master Ebook link. To rename it, click the three dots, select "Edit", enter your preferred title, and click "Update". If you're using individual Ebook chapter links, consider hiding the Ebook Administration link from students to prevent confusion.
Step 13.
Click on one of the courseware links that you deployed into your Blackboard course. You'll first see a prompt to select your Academic Term from the dropdown menu. Proceed to select your Academic Term and click Submit.
Step 14.
You will now be prompted to log in to your W.W. Norton Publisher instructor account.
- This should only happen the first time you log in and the next time you click a courseware link, you will be taken straight to the publisher's courseware site.
- Select Yes, I want to sign in.
Enter your email address and password, then click Sign In
- If you cannot remember your login, click Forgot your password?
Step 15.
Select Create a New Student set from scratch, then click Next.
- NOTE: For steps on copying an existing student set, reach out to your Norton representative.
Step 16.
Fill in the course details on the next page, including course title, country (USA or Canada), school name, and course start and end dates. Then click Create Student Set when you're done.
Step 17.
You're all set! Your Norton course material and student set is now paired to your Blackboard course! You will see a green "Connected to LMS" badge if everything is working as anticipated.
Your course material links are now paired with your Blackboard course!
What will your Students See?
Click HERE to view step-by-step instructions your students will follow to access their course materials in Blackboard.
Additional Support:
If you have any questions or would like further assistance, submit a request or reach out to your W.W. Norton & Company Publisher Representative HERE.
For more information check out W.W. Norton & Company instructor guides HERE.
Blackboard Ultra
- Part One: Adding the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 Tool
- Part Two: Pairing the Courseware
- Part Three: Adding Norton Links to Your Course
Part One: Adding the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 Tool
Step 1.
Navigate into your Blackboard Ultra course.
Step 2.
Click View course & institution tools located under the Books & Tools heading on the left-menu of your Blackboard Ultra course.
Step 2a.
A list of institution tools will appear on the right-menu. Click on Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1.
If you were able to select the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 tool from this menu, skip to Step 4 of this article.
Step 2b. (If Needed.)
If you do not see the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 tool listed from the right-menu, click on the option to Browse all course tools located at the bottom of this menu.
Step 2c. (If Needed.)
From the list of all institution tools, locate and click on Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 from the list presented to you.
- Note: If you are unable to find the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 link in your Blackboard course, follow the directions below in Step 3 to add the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 tool manually.
Adding Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 Tool Manually:
Step 3. (If needed.)
If you do not see the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 tool listed, you can configure the tool manually. To do this, configure a Teaching Tool with LTI Connection within your course.
From your Blackboard course homepage, click any + symbol to Create.
Then click on Teaching Tools with LTI Connection.
Next, provide a Name for the tool in the Name field (you can title this as Follett-Willo Digital Delivery or something similar) and copy the appropriate URL into the URL field:
For USA:
- Note: The Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 tool should remain hidden from students. This is an instructor facing tool. Also make sure to place a check-mark in the box to allow the item to Open in a New Window.
If you've (1) entered a Name for the Link, (2) left the link hidden from student view, (3) entered the appropriate Configuration URL, and (4) have placed a check-mark in the "Open in a new window" box, you can now click Save to add the link within your Blackboard course.
Now click on the Follett-Willo Digital Delivery 1.1 link that you've manually added onto your Blackboard homepage, and proceed to Step 4 below.
Part Two: Pairing the Courseware
Step 4.
Click the Continue in a new window button.
Step 5.
The Course Pairing Screen should appear. If you teach more than one course, you may see multiple courses to choose from.
Click the green Select button for the correct course. Then click Review Details.
- Note: If you do not see a course listed, or if the course information is incorrect, please skip to the Product Token section below.
Step 6.
The Review Selected Course Materials screen will appear. Review the course information and ensure it appears correctly. If the course information is correct, select the Confirm Selection button.
NOTE: If the materials listed appear to be incorrect, or if there is a discrepancy with the materials, do not proceed. Contact to report the discrepancy.
Step 7.
The next screen will display that the course was paired successfully. Click the Course Management button and skip ahead to Step 8.
Using a Product Token
NOTE: This step is only necessary if your course materials do not auto-populate in Step 5.
To use your Product Token:
- Click the I have a Product Token button
- Enter the six-digit Product Token code
- Then click Verify.
*If you do not have a Product Token code, email
Look over the product and course details and verify that the details are correct. If everything looks good, proceed by clicking Course Management.
Part Three: Adding Product/Publisher Links to Your Course
Step 8.
On the Course Management page, click Add Product Links.
Step 9.
Select Course Support, Instructor Self-Service, and any Courseware links you would like to add to your course. Then click Next Step.
Step 10.
Select the radio button next to Push Links Directly to My Course and click Submit.
Step 11.
Once the links have been successfully pushed to your course, you will see the following message. You can now Close this window to navigate back to your Blackboard course.
Step 12.
Refresh your web browser's page. You will find a new folder on your course homepage titled: Imported Course Resources. This folder will be located towards the bottom of your Blackboard course homepage.
- NOTE: To ensure that the Norton courseware links function properly, please be sure EDIT each link from your Blackboard course to allow the link to Open in a New Window. For graded items like InQuizitive, Smartwork, and Norton Illumine Ebook assignments, please also make sure to Create a gradebook entry for the item and define your Points Possible value for each activity.
- NOTE: The Course Support link is available for students and faculty. Faculty should encourage students to use this link to open a ticket with our helpdesk if they have any issues accessing the course materials.
- NOTE: The Instructor Self-Service link should be hidden from students, as it is for instructor use only and directs you to the Course Management page.
- NOTE: The Ebook Administration link is the master Ebook link. To rename it, click the three dots, select "Edit", enter your preferred title, and click "Update". If you're using individual Ebook chapter links, consider hiding the Ebook Administration link from students to prevent confusion.
Step 13.
Click on one of the Norton courseware links that you deployed into your Blackboard course. You'll first see a prompt to select your Academic Term from the dropdown menu. Proceed to select your Academic Term and click Submit.
Step 14.
You will now be prompted to log in to your W.W. Norton Publisher instructor account.
- This should only happen the first time you log in and the next time you click a courseware link, you will be taken straight to the publisher's courseware site.
- Select Yes, I want to sign in.
Enter your email address and password, then click Sign In
- If you cannot remember your login, click Forgot your password?
Step 15.
Select Create a New Student set from scratch, then click Next.
- NOTE: For steps on copying an existing student set, reach out to your Norton representative.
Step 16.
Fill in the course details on the next page, including course title, country (USA or Canada), school name, and course start and end dates. Then click Create Student Set when you're done.
Step 17.
You're all set! Your Norton course material and student set is now paired to your Blackboard course! You will see a green "Connected to LMS" badge if everything is working as anticipated.
Your course material links are now paired with your Blackboard course!
What will your Students See?
Click HERE to view step-by-step instructions your students will follow to access their course materials in Blackboard.
Additional Support:
If you have any questions or would like further assistance, submit a request or reach out to your W.W. Norton & Company Publisher Representative HERE.
For more information check out W.W. Norton & Company instructor guides HERE.