The LMS configuration is home to a number of settings in Willo Labs, including:
- Name
- LMS Type
- Gradesync mode (LTI Basic outcomes or API gradesync)
- Custom LTI parameters
When building a configuration, users are first prompted with the following fields:
The configuration needs to be named and a customer(school) is selected. Customers can have multiple different LMS systems (either different types of LMS or staging/test environments). Finally, a platform(LMS type) is selected.
On the next page, the following fields are defined:
Grade Sync Mode
- LTI Basic Outcomes Service - this is LTI 1.1, where an average of all assignments is passed to the LMS gradebook as a single value
- (LMS) API - this represents an assignment level gradesync possible in the following LMS types:
- Canvas
- Blackboard
- Moodle
- D2L
Our recommendation is to check the 'Enable Site Wide Credentials' box and generate an LMS LTI key and secret for all integrations at that institution. While LTI keys and secrets can be generated on the integration level, key and secret management becomes much more difficult when using that feature.
Finally, like with other configuration levels of Willo Labs, any custom LTI can be added to this configuration. When finished, save the configuration and share the LTI key and secret (along with the LTI base URL) with the school LMS admin. For more information on LMS specific configurations, see our articles on specific LMS configurations.
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