LTI Tool Provider Configuration
The Willo Labs LTI Tool Provider can be configured at the system level with Blackboard. These instructions assume that you have received the necessary tool provider key and secret from Willo Labs.
LTI 1.1 Tool Provider Configuration
- Log into Blackboard as an Administrator and navigate to the Admin tab.
- Under the Integrations tab, click LTI Tool Providers.
- Click on Register LTI 1.1 Provider.
- Define the following properties:
- Provider Domain:
- US-based institutions:
- CA-based institutions:
- Provider Domain Status: Approved
- Secondary Hostnames: Leave Empty
- Default Configuration: Set globally
- Tool Provider Key: Provided by Implementation Team
- Tool Provider Secret: Provided by Implementation Team
- Tool Provider Custom Parameters: Leave Empty
- Send User Data: Send user data only over SSL
- User Fields to Send: Select the following
- Role in Course
- Name
- Email Address
- Allow Membership Service Access: Yes
- Provider Domain:
- Click Submit.
Manage Placement for Willo Labs Tool
Follow these steps to make the Willo Labs tool available to your instructors in Course Tools in the left navigation bar. Optionally, you may also add a placement to the Build Content area.
- Log into Blackboard as an Administrator and navigate to the Admin tab.
- Under Integrations, click LTI Tool Providers.
- Locate the Willo tool provider, select the down arrow to the right of the link and select Manage Placements.
- Select Create Placement.
Course Tools
Create the Course Tools placement for the Willo widget by completing the following fields, and click Submit when done.
- Label: Willo Labs
- Handle: willo-labs-course-tool
- Availability: Yes
- Type: Select Course Tool
- Select Launch in New Window
- Tool Provider URL:
- Key and Secret will auto populate
OPTIONAL: Build Content
You may also create a second placement for the Willo widget in the Built Content area of courses by completing the following fields. Click Submit when done.
- Label: Willo Labs
- Handle: willo-labs-course-content
- Availability: Yes
- Type: Select Course Content Tool
- Select Launch in New Window
- Tool Provider URL:
- Key and Secret will auto populate
API Grade Sync Setup
If you are using an LTI 1.1 tool configuration, you may follow these instructions to set up API grade sync.
[Optional] Setup System-Specific Role and User for API Authentication (System Roles)
You may provide authorization to the Application ID installation using your personal Blackboard admin user account. If that is the case, you can skip to the Install API section. Please follow the steps below if you’d like to create a specific system role and user account for Willo Digital Delivery.
- Login to Blackboard as an Administrator and navigate to the Administrator panel.
- Select Users > System Roles and Create Role.
- Input a Role Name and Role ID and then click Submit.
- Assign the following permissions by searching each permission and then select the checkmark beside the permission. Select the Privileges menu and then select Permit Privileges.
- Course/Organization Control Panel (Grade Center) > All Grading
- Course/Organization Control Panel (Grade Center) > Full Control
- Course/Organization (Content Areas) > Create Materials
- Course/Organization (Content Areas) > Edit Materials
- Course/Organization Control Panel (Users and Groups) > Users
- Administrator Panel (Users) > Users
- When complete, navigate back to the Administrator panel and choose Users
- Click Create User and provide a First Name (e.g. Willo), Last Name (e.g. API), and Username (e.g. willodigitaldelivery). Select Staff for Institution Role and then select your newly created System Role from step 3 for a System Role. Click Submit.
Install API (REST API Integrations)
- Log into Blackboard as an Administrator and navigate to the Administrator panel.
- Under Integrations, click REST API Integrations
- Click Create Integration
- Input the following form fields:
- Application ID: Provided by Implementation Team
- Learn User: Your administrator username or the one created from step 6 of the previous section
- End User Access: Yes
- Authorized To Act as User: Service Default (No)
- Click Submit