Here you will find the steps on how to purchase access to your course materials in addition to accessing your course materials after you complete your purchase.
1. Gain Access to Moodle
- Log into your Moodle Learning Management System (LMS)
- Click on the link for your course that you are in need of purchasing course materials
2. Navigate to the Content in Moodle
- When you log into your course you will find your eBook/courseware link located in one of the Content areas located by your Announcements.
- Locate your eBook/courseware link and click on the link.
- This could be named the title of your textbook, publisher name or simply eBook to name a few. You will also see a green puzzle piece next to the link.
- Your eBook/courseware will open in a new tab or window, so be sure pop ups are enabled.
- If you are unsure of where your eBook/courseware is located, ask your instructor or simply try a few links.
3. Get Access to your Course Materials
- You will have Trial days of open access, but you must purchase your materials before or at the
end of your trial.
4. After Payment, What are my Next Steps?
- Go back to your Moodle course and locate your Purchase link that you just used to purchase your materials. This link will now take you out to your course materials.
If you encounter any problems gaining access to your materials after purchasing from your
bookstore, please Submit a Request and a team member will be in touch as
soon as they can to assist. Be sure to include the course you are taking along with the name of your school and your instructor.